1. Many journals, authors and theorists have web sites to consult.

2. On feminist sources see also other entries in bibliography of Chapter 9. Feminist, Antipatriarchal and Women's Studies Theories of Anger and Humor.

3. On Religious Insight Humor see bibliography in Chapter 10.

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Humor: International Journal of Humor Research. (See web site.)(1988-present)

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IJHR = International Journal of Humor Research. (Journal title is Humor: IJHR)

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International Conference on Humo(u)r. (Papers published in Chapman & Foot 1976, Mindess & Turek 1979, and WHIMSY conference proceedings in this bibliography.) (See also internet for abstracts of conference papers.)

International Journal for Humor and Health. (See web site.)

International Society for Humor Studies. (See web site.)

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Karassev, Leonid. Philosophy of Laughter. (See Vaserstein 1998. Also see web site.)

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Kaufmann, Walter. "Existentialism and Death." The Meaning of Death. H. Feifel. NY: McGraw-Hill 1959.

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Kierkegaard. (See Lippitt 2000, Sandok 1975)

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Korb, L. "Humor: A Tool for the Psychoanalyist." Ego Psychology 11 (1988) 45-54.

Kotthoff, Helga, Hrsg. Das Gelachter der Geschlechter: Humor und Macht in Gesprächen von Frauen und Männern. (Frankfurt a.M: Fischer 1988) 2 Aufl. Konstanz Univ. Verlag 1996.

Kotthoff, Helga. "Gender and Joking: On the Complexities of Women's Image Politics in Humorous Narratives." Journal of Pragmatics 32, 1 (2000) 55-80.

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Kreuz, Roger, and R. Roberts. "On Satire and Parody: The Importance of Being Ironic." Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 8, 2 (1993) 97-109.

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Kristeva, Julia. Desire in Language. NY: Columbia University Press 1980.

Kubie, L. "The Destructive Potential of Humor in Psychotherapy." American Journal of Psychotherapy 127, 7 (1971) 861-866. (Humor prevents us from dealing with anxiety. cf. Shibles "Anxiety." 1994d) Reprint in Strean 1994:95-104.

Kuhlman, T. "Gallows Humor for a Scaffold Setting: Managing Aggressive Patients on a Maximum Security Forensic Unit." Hospital and Community Psychiatry 39, 10 (1988) 1085-1090.

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Kuhn, Thomas. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Press 1962 (1977)

Kuiper, Nicholas, and L. Olinger. "Humor and Mental Health." In H. Freidman, ed. Encyclopedia of Mental Health. San Francisco, CA: Academic Press 1998.

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Kurtz, Paul, ed. The Humanist Alternative. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus 1973.

Kurtz, Paul. A Secular Humanist Declaration. Reprint of Free Inquiry 1, 1 (1980).

Laffay, A. Anatomie de l'humour et du nonsense. Paris 1970.

LaFollett, Hugh, and N. Shanks. "Belief and the Basis of Humor." American Philosophical Quarterly 30, 4 (1993) 329-339.

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Lamb, C. S. "Use of Paradoxical Intention: Self-Management Through Laughter." Personnel and Guidance Journal 59, 4 (1980) 217-219.

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Latta, Robert. The Basic Humor Process: A Cognitive-Shift Theory and the Case Against Incongruity. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter 1999.

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Laurian, A. "Possible/Impossible Translations of Jokes." Humor: IJHR 5, nos. 1, 2 (1992) 111-128.

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Le Claire, Thomas. "Death and Black Humor." Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction 17, 1 (1975) 5-40.

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Lee, Judith Y. Defining New Yorker Humor. Jackson, MS: University of Mississippi Press 2000.

Lee, Judith Y. Garrison Keillor. A Voice of America. Jackson MS: University of Mississippi Press 1991. (Also Ph.D. University of Chicago on black humor 1986.)

Leedy, Jack. Poetry as Healing: Mending the Troubled Mind. NY: Vangard 1985.

Leedy, Jack. Poetry Therapy: The Use of Poetry in the Treatment of Emotional Disorders. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott 1969.

Leezenberg, Michiel. Contexts of Metaphor. Amsterdam: Elsevier 2001.

Lefcourt, Herbert, and R. Martin. Humor and Life Stress: Antidote to Adversity. NY: Springer Verlag 1986.

Lefcourt, Herbert. Humor: The Psychology of Living Buoyantly. NY: Kluwer/Plenum 2001.

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Lemma, Alessandra. Humour on the Couch: Exploring Humour in Psychotherapy of Everyday Life. London: Whurr 2000.

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Levin, H. Veins of Humor. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press 1972.

Lew, Robert. An Ambiguity-Based Theory of the Verbal Joke in English. Ph.D. diss. Adam Mickiewicz University 1999 (see web site).

Lewis, Paul, ed. "Humor and Political Correctness." Humor: IJHR 10 (1997) 453-513.

Lewis, Paul. Comic Effects: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Humor in Literature. Albany, NY: SUNY 1989.

Lipman, Steve. Laughter in Hell: The Use of Humor During the Holocaust. Northvale, NJ: Aronson 1991.

Lippitt, John. "Existential Laughter." Cogito 10, 1 (1996) 63-72.

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Lippitt, John. Humour and Irony in Kierkegaard's Thought. NY/London: St. Martin's/Macmillan 2000.

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Locke, John. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. NY: Dover 1959.

Long, Debra, and A. Graesser. "Wit and Humor in Discourse Processing." Discourse Processes 11 (1988) 35-60.

Longobardi, Paul. Comprehension of Joke Humor in Schizophrenia. Ph.D. diss. Vanderbilt Univ. 1975. (Diss. #3610313 p. 1442)

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Lowry, Linda. Humor in Instrumental Music. Ph.D. diss. Ohio State University 1974.

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Lusterman, Don-David. "Humor as Metaphor." Psychotherapy in Private Practice 10, 1-2 (1992) 167172.

Lynch, Gerald. Stephen Leacock, Humour and Humanity. Kingston, Ontario: McGill-Queen's Univ. Press 1988.

Lynn, Jonathan, et al. Yes, Prime Minister: The Diaries of the Right Hon. James Hacker, MP. Torsfield, MA: Salem House 1988.

Lyons, M. Encyclopedia of Biblical Humor. NY: Shapolsky 1990.

Lyttle, James. "The Effectiveness of Humor in Persuasion." Journal of General Psychology 128, 2 (2001)

Lyttle, James. The Effectiveness of Humor in Persuasion: The Case of Business Ethics Training. Ph.D. York University, Toronto, Canada 2001.

m/f (feminist journal)

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MacGill, Stevenson. Lectures on Rhetoric and Criticism. Edinburgh 1838.

MacHale, Des. The Book of Irish Bull. England: Mercier Press 1987.

MacHovec, Frank. Humor: Theory, History, Applications. Springfield, IL: C. C. Thomas 1988.

MacKinnon, Catharine A. Only Words. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 1993.

MacKinnon, Catharine A. Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of Sex Discrimination. Yale University Press 1979.

MacKinnon, Catharine. Toward a Feminist Theory of the State. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 1989.

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Maier, Norman. "A Gestalt Theory of Humor." British Journal of Psychology 23 (1932) 69-74. (cf. Bateson 1953)

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Mandler, G. "Emotion." In R. Brown, et al., eds. New Directions in Psychology I. NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1962.

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Mark Twain Journal

Marshall, Denise. "Slaying the Angel and the Patriarch: The Grinning Wolf." In Barreca. 1988:149-177.

Martin, Mike. "Humour and Aesthetic Enjoyment of Incongruities." British Journal of Aesthetics 23, 1 (1983) 74-85. Repr. in Morreall 1987:172-186.

Martin, R. L. The Paradox of the Liar. New Haven: Yale 1970.

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Martinich, A. "Conversational Maxims and Some Philosophical Problems." Philosophical Quarterly 30, 120 (1980) 215-228.

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Mazzeo, Joseph. "Aspects of Wit and Science in the Renaissance." Ph.D. diss. Columbia University 1950. (cf., Shibles 1971a for seven additional titles and annotations.)

MB = Shibles, Warren. Metaphor: An Annotated Bibliography and History. Whitewater, WI: Language Press 1971a.

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McDougall, William. "Why Do We Laugh?" Scribners 1 (1922) 359-363.

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McGhee, Paul E. "Development of the Humor Response: A Review of the Literature." Psychological Bulletin 76, 5 (1971) 328-348.

McGhee, Paul E. (.See also see Goldstein.)

McGhee, Paul E. Health, Healing and the Amuse System: Human Survival Training. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt 1999.

McGhee, Paul E. How to Develop Your Sense of Humor. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt 1994.

McGhee, Paul E. Humor and Aging. Orlando, FL: Academic Press 1986.

McGhee, Paul E., and A. Chapman, Children's Humor. Chichester, GB: Wiley 1980.

McLuhan, M. and Q. Fiori. The Medium is the Massage. Orig. NY: Bantam 1967. Reprint NY: Touchstone 1989.

McMahan, Jeff, and R. McKim. "The Just War and the Gulf War." Canadian Journal of Philosophy 23, 4 (1993) 501-541.

McMillan, Carol. Woman, Reason and Nature: Some Philosophical Problems with Feminism. Princeton University Press 1982.

McPhee, Nancy. The Book of Insults, Ancient and Modern. NY: St. Martin's Press 1978.

Melden, A. I. "The Conceptual Dimensions of Emotions." Human Action. T. Mischel, ed. NY: Academic Press 1969.

Menahem, Samuel. The Effect of Role Playing on the Creation of Humor. Ph.D. diss. United States International University 1976.

Mendel, Werner, ed. A Celebration of Laughter. Los Angeles, CA: Mara Books 1970. (On Grotjahn)

Merbaum, Judith. The Nature of Wit and Humor. Ph.D. diss. Adelphi Univ. 1972.

Merrill, Lisa. "Feminist Humor: Rebellious and Self-Affirming." In Barreca 1988:271-280.

Metaphor and Symbolic Activity (esp. after 1993 on irony)

Metzgockel, H. "Reversal as an Element of Humor: A Theoretical Study of the Technical Form of Jokes." Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik 22, 1 (1990) 100-120.

Michael, Frederick. Meaning in Metaphors. Ph.D. diss. Univ. of Pennsylvania 1973.

Michelson, Bruce. Literary Wit. Amherst, MA: Univ. of Mass. Press 2000.

Mieder, Wolfgang. Anti-Sprichwörter. Vol. 11. Wiesbaden: Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache 1985.

Miller, Howard, and P. Siegel. Loving: A Psychological Approach. NY. Wiley 1972.

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Milner, G. "Homo Ridens: Towards a Semiotic Theory of Humour and Laughter." Semiotica I (1972) 1-30.

Minden, Pamela. Nursing a Sense of Humor. University of WI, Madison. Ph.D. 1999.

Mindess, Harvey, and H. Turek. Study of Humor: Proceedings of the 2nd International Humor Conference. Los Angeles, CA: Antioch Univ. 1979.

Mindess, Harvey. Laughter and Liberation. Los Angeles: Nash 1971.

Mindess, Harvey; H. Miller; A. Bender; A. Corbin. Antioch Humor Test: Making Sense of Humor. NY: Avon 1985.

Mintz, Lawrence, ed. Humor in America: A Research Guide to Genres and Topics. NY: Greenwood Press 1988.

Mishkinsky, Masha. "Humor as a 'Courage' Mechanism." Israel Annals of Psychiatry and Related Discipline 15 (1977) 352-363.

Mitchell, William, ed. Clowning as Critical Practice: Performance Humor in the South Pacific. PA: University of Pittsburgh 1992.

Mitford, Jessica. Kind and Unusual Punishment. NY: Vintage 1974.

Monro, David H. "Humor." Encyclopedia of Philosophy. P. Edwards, ed. Vol. 4:90. NY: Macmillan 1967.

Monro, David H. Argument of Laughter. (Orig. 1951) paperback Notre Dame 1963.

Moody, R. Lachen und Leiden. Über die heilende Kraft des Humors. Reinbeck: Rowohlt 1979.

Moran, C. C. "Cognitive Therapy for Emotional Disorders: Is There a Place for Humor? " Paper presented to the Seventh International Conference of the ISHS, Sidney, UNSW, July 1996.

Moran, C., and E. Colless. "Positive Reactions Following Emergency and Disaster Responses. Disaster Prevention and Management 4, 1 (1995) 55-60.

Morreall, John, ed. The Philosophy of Laughter and Humor. Albany, NY: SUNY 1987.

Morreall, John. "Enjoying Negative Emotion in Fiction." Philosophy and Literature 9 (1985) 95-103.

Morreall, John. "Humor and Emotion." American Philosophical Quarterly 20, 3 (1983 a) 297-304. Reprinted in Morreall 1987:212-224.

Morreall, John. "The Comic and Tragic Sense of Life." Humor: IJHR 11, 4 (1998) 333-355.

Morreall, John. Comedy, Tragedy and Religion. NY: SUNY Press 1999.

Morreall, John. Humor Works. (cf. (Amherst, MA: HRD Press) Humor Resource Development Press 1997.

Morreall, John. Taking Laughter Seriously. Albany, NY: SUNY 1983b.

Morrison, Morris, ed. Poetry as Therapy. NY: Human Sciences Press 1987.

Mosak, Harold. Ha Ha and Aha. The Role of Humor in Psychotherapy. Muncie, IN: Accelerated Development 1987.

Motivation and Humor (Journal) Esp. 22,2 1998.

Muecke, Douglas. The Compass of Irony. London: Methuen 1970.

Muir, Frank. Complete Book of Humorous Prose from William Caxton to P. G. Wodehouse. NY: Oxford University Press 1992.

Mulkay, Michael. On Humour: Its Nature and Place in Modern Society. (Oxford: Blackwell 1989) Cambridge, UK: Polity Press 1988. (Cited by Crawford 1992)

Muncie, Wendell. "The Psychopathology of Metaphor." Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 37 (1937) 796-804.

Murgatroyd, S. "Humour as a Tool in Counselling and Psychotherapy. A Reversal Theory Perspective." British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 15, 3 (1987) 225-236.

Murphey, Harriet. Canetti and Nietzsche. Theories of Humor in Die Blendung. Albany, NY: SUNY 1997.

Muster, Hans Peter. Who's Who in Satire and Humor. 3 vols. Basel: Wiese 1992. (Cartoonists)

Nahemow, Lucille and K. McCluskey-Fawcett; P. McGhee. Humor and Aging. Orlando, FL: Academic Press 1986.

Nash, Ogden. I Would Not Have Missed It: Selected Poems of Ogden Nash. Selected by L. Smith and I. Eberstadt. Boston: Little, Brown 1975. (cf. David Stuart 2000)

Nash, Ogden. The Private Dining Room and Other New Verses. Boston: Little, Brown 1953.

Nash, Ogden. Verses from 1929 On. Boston: Little, Brown 1952.

Nash, Rose. Comparing English and Spanish. NY: Regents Publishing 1977.

Nash, Walter. Language of Humour. London: Longman 1985.

Neill, A. S. Summerhill. A Radical Approach to Child Rearing. NY: Hart 1960.

Nelson, D. "Humor in the Pediatric Emergency Department: A 20 year Retrospective." Pediatrics (Evanston, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics) 89, 6 (1992) 1089-1090.

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Nevo, Ofra, and J. Levine. "Jewish Humor Strikes Again: The Outburst of Humor in Israel During the Gulf War." Western Folklore 53 (1994) 125-146.

Nevo, Ofra; G. Keinan; M. Teshimovsky-Arditi. "Humor and Pain Tolerance." Humor: IJHR 6 (1993) 71-88.

Nielsen, Kai. "In Defense of Atheism." In H. Kiefer & M. Munitz, eds. Perspectives in Education, Religion and the Arts. Albany, NY: SUNY 1970.

Nielsen, Kai. "Is God so Powerful that He Doesn't Even Have to Exist?" In Hook 1961:270-281.

Nielsen, Kai. Ethics without God. NY: Prometheus 1973.

Nietzsche, Friedrich. "On Truth and Lie in an Extra-Moral Sense." (In German) Werke in drei Bänden. K. Schlechta, ed. München 1960 (cf., English trans. in Shibles 1971b:1-13).

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Beyond Good and Evil. tr. W. Kaufmann. NY: Vintage 1966.

Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Portable Nietzsche. W. Kaufmann, ed. NY: Macmillan 1954.

Nilsen, Alleen, and Don L. "Gallows Humor." Whimsy VI 1988:127-134.

Nilsen, Alleen, and Don L. Encyclopedia of Humor and Comedy: Patterns, Trends, and Connections. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press 2000. (See web site.)

Nilsen, Don. "Gallows, Black, Sick and Tragicomic Humor." In Nilsen 1992:78-84.

Nilsen, Don. "Satire-The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions: Some Preliminary Observations." Studies in Contemporary Satire 15 (1988) 1 ff.

Nilsen, Don. "Stereotypal Humor." American Humor 10, 1 (1983) 5-11.

Nilsen, Don. Humor in American Literature: A Selected Annotated Bibliography. NY: Garland 1992.

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Noh, Eun-Ju. Metapresentation: A Relevance-Theory Application. John Benjamins 2001.

Norrick, Neal. "How Paradox Means." Poetics Today 10, 3 (1989) 551-562.

Norrick, Neal. Conversational Joking. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press 1993. (See review of Norrick book by Shibles reprinted in this book.)

Nusser, Peter. Schwarzer Humor (Arbeitstext für den Unterricht) Ditzingen: Reclam 1987.

Nye, Andrea. "The Unity of Language." Hypatia 2, 2 (1987a) 95-111.

Nye, Andrea. Theory and the Philosophies of Man. London: Croom Helm 1988.

Nye, Andrea. "Woman Clothed with the Sun: Julia Kristeva and the Escape from/to Language." Signs 12, 4 (1987b) 664-686.

Nye, Andrea. Words of Power: A Feminist Reading of the History of Logic. London: Routledge 1990.

Nyman, Alf. Metafor Och Fiktion. Lund: Gleerup 1922.

Obaid, Antonio. "The Vagaries of the Spanish 'S.'" Hispania 56 (1973) 60-67.

O'Connell, Walter E. "Humor of the Gallows." Omega 1 (1966) 32-33. (Freudian)

O'Connor, D. J. An Introduction to Philosophy of Education. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1957.

O'Donnell, W. The Sociology of Humor. Ph.D. diss. University of Pittsburgh 1973.

Ogden, Charles. Bentham's Theory of Fictions. NJ: Littlefield, Adams 1959.

Oliver, Edward J. Hypocrisy and Humour. NY: Sheed and Ward 1960.

O'Neill, Thomas. "Irian Jaya." National Geographic 189, 2:( 1996.) 2-34.

Onfray, Michel. Der Philosoph als Hund. Vom Ursprung subversiven Denkens bei den Kynikern. Frankfurt/M. 1991.

O'Quin, Karen, and P. Derks. "Humor and Creativity: A Review of the Empirical Literature." In Mark Runco, ed. Creativity Research Handbook. Vol. I Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press 1997:227-252.

Orellana-Benado, Miguel. A Philosophy of Humour. Ph.D. diss. Oxford University 1985.

Oring, Elliott. "Appropriate Incongruities: Genuine and Spurious." Humor: IJHR 8 (1995) 229-236.

Oring, Elliott. Jokes and their Relations. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Press 1992. (Jewish humor)

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Paolillo, John. "Gary Larson's Far Side: Nonsense? Nonsense!" Humor: IJHR 11, 3 (1998) 261-290.

Parkin, John, ed. French Humour. Univ. of Bristol Colloquium 1996. Amsterdam: Rodopi 1999.

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Paul, Steven. "The Musical Surprise: A Discussion of the Element of the Unexpected in the Humour of Haydn." Cambridge Review (May, 1975) 171-175.

Paul. (see Jean Paul)

Paulos, John. I Think, Therefore I Laugh: An Alternative Approach to Philosophy. NY: Columbia University Press 1985; revised 2000 with subtitle: The Flip Side of Philosophy. (Reprinted 1990 NY: Vintage.)

Paulos, John. Ich lache, also bin ich. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus 1991.

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Ruch, Willibald. "Laughter and Emotional Liberation: The Zen of Humor." Humor and Health Letter 4, 1 (1995) 1-8.

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Rucki, Elizabeth. Disrupting Humor: A Critical Study of Philosophical Theories of Humor. Queen's University at Kingston, Canada, Ph.D. diss.1993.

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Shibles, Warren. Forthcoming. Phonetics of the World's Languages: A Reference Work.

2001. Shibles, Warren. "The Philosophical Practitioner and Emotion." In Trevor Curnow, ed. Thinking through Dialogue: Essays on Philosophy in Practice. Surrey, GB: Practical Philosophy Press 2001:50-57.

2000b. Shibles, Warren. Lügen und Lügen lassen: Eine kritische Analyse des Lügen. Mainz: Lermann Verlag. 2000. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Barbara Maier. 2000.

2000a. Shibles, Warren. "Emotion, Metaphor, Music amd Humor." in A. Kronegger, ed., Analecta Husserliana. Vol. 63, The Orchestration of the Arts. A Creative Symbiosis of Existential Powers. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 2000:417-436.

1999c. Shibles, Warren. "On Death: The I Ching as a Metaphorical Method of Insight." Journal of Chinese Philosophy 26, 3 (1999) 343-376.

1999b. Shibles, Warren. Ethik für alle. Mainz: Lermann Verlag 1999.

1999a. Shibles, Warren. "Joie de vivre." American Society of Phenomenology, Aesthetics & The Fine Arts. Harvard University. 1998. (Published in A. Kronegger, ed., Analecta Husserliana.Vol. 69, The Poetry of Life in Literature. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 2000:187-192.)

1998b. Shibles, Warren. Utrecht Conference Proceedings. "Antipatriarchal Feminism vs. Humanistic Feminism: The New Ideological Conflict." The End of Ideologies and the Return to Ethics Session of the Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas. University for Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, Netherlands, Aug.20, 1996. Published on CD ROM 1998. (cf. 1995g publication)

1998a. Shibles, Warren. "Philosophical Counseling, Philosophical Education and Emotion." International Journal of Applied Philosophy 12, 1:19-36.

1997. Shibles, Warren. Was ist Zeit? Mainz: Lermann Verlag 1997.

1996b. Shibles, Warren. "Review of Neal Norrick. Conversational Joking." Studies in Language 20 (1996) 465-472.

1996a. Shibles, Warren. "Review of Attardo Linguistic Theories of Humor." Studies in Language 20 (1996) 667-696.

1996d. Shibles, Warren. "The Phonetics vs. Phonemics Controversy." Paper read at the Pacific Ancient and Modem Language Association Convention. Nov. 8-10, University of California-Irvine.

1996c. Shibles, Warren. "A Comparative Phonetics of Spanish: Toward a Standard IPA Symbolism." Revue de Phonétique Appliquée No. 121:327-354.

1995j. "Analysis of the Definitions of Humanism." Scottish Journal of Religious Studies vol. 16, 1 (1995j) 51-61.

1995i. Shibles, Warren "Analysis of the Definitions of Humanism." Scottish Journal of Religious Studies vol. 16, 1 (1995i) 51-61.

1995h Shibles, Warren "Received Pronunciation and Realphonetik." World Englishes 14, 3 (1995):357-376.

1995g. Shibles, Warren. "Antipatriarchal Feminism vs. Humanistic Feminism." Talk given at the conference "Political Correctness and Gender Politics on Campus: What It's Doing to Education." April, 21, 1995g, Washington, DC, Sponsored by the Women's Freedom Network. (cf. 1998b publication)

1995f. Shibles, Warren. Unsere Gefüh1swelt: Eine kritische Analyse für jung und alt. Mainz: Lermann Verlag. 1995f.

1995e. Shibles, Warren. "Hanslick on Hearing Beauty." Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 44 (1995e) 73-89.

1995d. Shibles, Warren. "The Association Theory of Meaning: A Reconstruction of the Literature." Indian Philosophical Quarterly 22, 2 (1995d) 105-122.

1995c. Shibles, Warren. "The Meaning of Express in Aesthetics: A Reconstruction of the Literature." Journal of Thought 30, 2 (1995c) 21-41.

1995b. Shibles, Warren. Emotion in Aesthetics. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers 1995b.

1995a. Shibles, Warren. "The Phonetics of Standard British Pronunciation: RP English-A Pseudo Concept?" RASK: Internationat tidsskrift for sprog og kommunikation. 2 (1995a) 51-89.

1994e. "The Phantom Schwa: A Pseudo-Symbol." Grazer Linguistische Studien 42, (1994e) 79-97.

1994d. Shibles, Warren. "Anxiety: A Pseudo-Concept." International Journal of Applied Philosophy 9, 1 (1994d) 43 -52.

1994c. Shibles, Warren. "Humanistic Art." Critical Inquiry. 8, 3 (1994c) 371-392.

1994b. Shibles, Warren. "The Cognitive-Emotive Theory of Desire." Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 11 (1994b) 27-43.

1994a. Shibles, Warren. "Chinese Romanization Systems: IPA transliteration." Sino Platonic Papers Vol. 52 (1994a) 1-17.

1993c. Shibles, Warren. "An Expanded IPA Vowel Chart." Phonetica Francofortensia 6 (1993c) 71-92.

1993a. Shibles, Warren. "The Majority Rule Fallacy." Indian Philosophical Quarterly 20, 4 (1993a) 329-436.

1993b. Shibles, Warren. "Wittgenstein y el budismo Zen." Pensamiento (Madrid) 49, 194 (1993b) 317-352.

1992b. Shibles, Warren. "Verbal Abuse: An Analysis." Papiere zur Linguistik 46, 1 (1992b) 30-44.

1992a. Shibles, Warren. "Altruism vs. Egoism: A Pseudo-Problem: A Cognitive- Emotive Analysis." International Journal of Applied Philosophy 7, 1 (1992a) 21-29.

1991b. Shibles, Warren. "The Myth of Patriarchy." Journal of Value Inquiry 25, 4 (1991b) 305-318.

1991a. Shibles, Warren. "Feminism and the Cognitive Theory of Emotion: Anger, Blame and Humor." Women and Health 17, 1 (1991 a) 57-69.

1990d. Shibles, Warren. "An Analysis of German Emotive Reflexives." Grazer Linguistische Studien 33/34 (1990d) 297-311.

1990c. Shibles, Warren. "German Emotive Reflexives." Papiere zur Linguistic 43, 2 (1990c) 159-165.

1990b. Shibles, Warren. "The Metaphorical Method of Critical Thinking." 10th Annual Conference on Critical Thinking. (Sonoma State University) Aug. 3-8, 1990b.

1990a. Shibles, Warren. "Joie de vivre." (In French) Actes du colloque international: L'humour d'expression française. Corhurn et l'Université de Paris VIII. Paris 1990a:63-69.

1989d. Shibles, Warren. "Radical Feminism, Humanism and Women's Studies." Innovative Higher Education 14, 1 (1989d) 35-47.

1989c. Shibles, Warren. "Time." The New Book of Knowledge. (Encyclopedia, 21 vols) Danbury, CT: Grolier, Inc.

1989b. Shibles, Warren. "Some Remarks on Particles and Interjections in English and German." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 37, 3 (1989b) 241-24-5.

1989a. Shibles, Warren. "An Analysis of German Emotive Particles and Interjections." Papiere zur Linguistik 40, 1 (1989a) 71-81.

1988c. Shibles, Warren. "Humor and the Greens." Die Grünen (Munich, Germany) (In German) 1988c.

1988b. Shibles, Warren. "A Revision of the Definition of Lying as an Untruth Told with Intent to Deceive." Argumentation 2 (1988b) 95- 113.

1988a. Shibles, Warren. "Joie de vivre." (In French) Université de Paris-IV. Grand Palais, Paris. Colloque International. "L'Humour D'Expression Française." CORHUM et Université de Paris VIII. June 29,1988a.

1987c. Shibles, Warren. "Religious Doggerel." New Zealand Rationalst and Humanist (Dec. 1987c: 9.

1987b. Shibles, Warren. Poems published in Eleven Wisconsin Poets. DeWitt Clinton, ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall-Hunt 1987b: "On Waking" (126), "Programmed Meaning" (130), "Questions" (132).

1987a. Shibles, Warren. "Reformatory Blame." Journal of Rational-Emotive Therapy 5, 4 (1987a) 266-281.

1985b. "Serious Fun with Time." National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors Bulletin 27, 3 (1985b) 316-318.

1985a. Shibles, Warren. Lying: A Critical Analysis. Whitewater, WI: The Language Press 1985.

1984. Shibles, Warren. "The Humor of Die Grünen." Conference on National Linguistic Humor, sponsored by Arizona State University, March, 1984a.

1983d. Shibles, Warren. "Metaphor as the Basis of Humor." 1983 Conference on Humor and Metaphor. Western Humor and Irony Membership. Don Nilsen, Director. Phoenix: Arizona State University. April 1, 1983d.

1983c. Shibles, Warren. "An Analysis and Classification of Humor." (Abstract) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Humor. Washington, DC 1983c. American Studies Program, University of Maryland.

1983b. Shibles, Warren. "Metaphor as the Basis of Humor." Conference on Humor and Metaphor, Arizona State University 1983b.

1983a. Shibles, Warren. "Teaching Humor in the Schools." Proceedings of the Conference on Humor and Metaphor. Arizona State University 1983a.

1979. Shibles, Warren. "A Philosopher Looks at Creativity: How to Teach Creativity through Humor and Metaphor." Creative Child and Adult Quarterly 4, 4 (1979b) 243-25l.

1978g. Shibles, Warren. Good and Bad are Funny Things. Whitewater, WI: Language Press 1978g.

1978f. Shibles, Warren. "Jokes About Time." Time: A Critical Analysis for Children. Whitewater, WI: Language Press 1978f.

1978e. Shibles, Warren. "Jokes about Ethical or Value Terms." Ethics for Children. Whitewater, WI: Language Press 1978e:63-79.

1978d. Shibles, Warren. "Humor." In Shibles, Emotion: A Critical Analysis for Young People. 1978d:59-67.

1978c. Shibles, Warren. Emotion: A Critical Analysis for Young People. Whitewater, WI: Language Press 1978c.

1978b. Shibles, Warren. Rational Love. Whitewater, WI: Language Press 1978b.

1978a. Shibles, Warren. Humor: A Critical Analysis for Children. Whitewater, WI: Language Press 1978a.

1976. Shibles, Warren. "Poetry and Philosophy." Philosophy Today 20 (1976) 31-34. (From paper read at Princeton University.)

1974c. Shibles, Warren. Emotion: The Method of Philosophical Therapy. Whitewater, WI: Language Press 1974c.

1974b. Shibles, Warren. "The Metaphorical Method." Journal of Aesthetic Education 8 (1974b) 25-36.

1974a. Shibles, Warren. Wittgenstein, Language and Philosophy. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall-Hunt 1974a. (Also in German by Bouvier, Bonn 1973 and in Portuguese by Editora Cultrix, Brazil 1974)

1973b. Shibles, Warren. "Die metaphorische Methode." Karl Merz, tr. Deutsche Vierte1jahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 48, 1 (1973b) 1-9.

1973a. Shibles, Warren. "Review of K.T. Fann Symposium on John Austin " Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 33 (1973a) 443-444.

1972b. Shibles, Warren, ed. Essays on Metaphor. Whitewater, WI: Language Press 1972b.

1972a. Shibles, Warren. Philosophical Pictures. Orig. 1969. Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown 1972a. [Philosophische Bilder: Wege zu radikalem Denken. (Bouvier disputanda). Susanne Mackiewicz, trans. Bonn: Bouvier 1973.]

1971c. Shibles, Warren. An Analysis of Metaphor. The Hague: Mouton 1971c.

1971b. Shibles, Warren. Models of Ancient Greek Philosophy. London: Vision Press 1971b.

1971a. Shibles, Warren. Metaphor: An Annotated Bibliography and History. Whitewater, WI: Language Press 1971a.

1970. Shibles, Warren. "Meaning as Patterns of Marks." University of South Florida Language Quarterly 8 (1970) 20-24.

Shirley, Edward. "The Impossibility of a Speech Act Theory of Meaning." Philosophy and Rhetoric 8 (1975) 114-122.

Shklovskii, Viktor. "Iskusstvo kak Priem." ("Art as Artifice.") Poetika 1919. In Shibles 1971a:261. Also English trans. in L. Lemon & M. Reis, eds. Russian Formalist Criticism, 3-24. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 1965. (cf. Theorie der Prosa 1966)

Simon, Laurence. Psycho'therapy': Theory, Practice, Modern and Postmodern Influences. Westport, CT: Praeger 1994.

Simon, Richard. The Labyrinth of the Comic: Theory and Practice from Fielding to Freud. Tallahassee, FL: University Presses of Florida, Florida State University 1985.

Singer, J. (See S. Schachter and J. Singer 1962.)

Siporin, Max. "Have You Heard the One About Social Work Humor?" Social Casework: Journal of Contemporary Social Work 65, 8 (1984) 459-464.

Skinner, B. F. Science and Human Behavior. NY: Collier-Macmillan 1953.

Smith, A. "Light Verse." In Preminger 1965, 446-449.

Smith, Ken. "Laughing at the Way We See: The Role of Visual Organizing Principles in Cartoon Humor." Humor: IJHR 9, 1 (1996) 19-38.

Smith, P. "Joke Medicine: Communicating Traditional Humor Using Computers." In Bennett (1991) 257-278.

Snyder, C. R., ed. Handbook of Hope: Theory, Measures, and Applications. San Diego, CA: Academic Press 2000.

Sochen, June, ed. Women's Comic Visions. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press 1991.

Solomon Robert. "Racist Humor" Internet article. 2001.

Sommers, Christina Hoff, Who Stole Feminism? NY: Simon & Schuster 1994.

Sonenfield, Irwin. "Executive Committee Recommendation on Tenure Consideration (Candidate: God)." National Education Association Advocate Feb. 1978, p. 7.

Songer, Marcia. Garrison Keillor: A Critical Companion. Westport, CT: Greenwood 2000.

Southworth, John. Fools and Jesters at the English Court. Gloucestershire, GB: Sutton Publ. 1998.

Spencer, Herbert. "On the Physiology of Laughter." Essays: Scientific, Political, and Speculative. Vol. 2. NY: Appleton 1892:452-466.

Spencer, Herbert. "The Physiology of Laughter." In Essays on Education, etc. London: Dent 1911.

Speransky, W. "Essay sur l'origine psychologique des métaphores." Revue Philosophique 44 (1897) 494-507, 605-621.

Spiegel, James. Hypocrisy: Moral Fraud and Other Vices. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books 1999.

Spretnak, C. The Spiritual Dimension of Green Politics. NM: Bear 1986.

Starer, E. "Reactions of Psychiatric Patients to Cartoons and Verbal Jokes." Journal of General Psychology 65 (1961) 301-304.

Staugaard, Christiane. Humor in der Sozialpädagogik-Lachen hilft heilen. Hochschulschrift, Kiel, Sozialwesen 1997.

Steams, Fred. "Pathophysiology of Laughing." Laughing: Physiology, Pathophysiology, Psychology, Pathopsychology, and Development. Springfield, IL: Thomas 1972.

Steinhoff, William. "Metaphorical Texture of Daniel Deronda." Books Abroad 35 (1961) 220-224.

Stem, Alfred. Philosophie des Lachens und Weinens. (Philosophie du rire et des pluers. Paris 1949) Wien: Oldenbourg 1980.

Sterling, Philip, ed. Laughing on the Outside: The Intelligent White Reader's Guide to Negro Tales and Humor. NY: Grosset & Dunlap 1965.

Sternthal, Brian, and C. Craig. "Humor in Advertising." Journal of Marketing 37 (1973) 12-18.

Stevens, Wallace. Opus Posthumous. S. Morse, ed. NY: Knopf 1957.

Stevens, Wallace. The Necessary Angel. NY: Random House 1942.

Stewart, Dugald. Outlines of Moral Philosophy. Orig. 1793. NY: Garland 1976.

Stewart, J. "An Anatomy of Humor." Ph.D. diss. University of Southern California 1967.

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